Disclaimer: On March 1, 2025, an Executive Order “Designating English as the Official Language of the United States” revoked Executive Order 13166 and directed the Attorney General to rescind any policy guidance documents issued pursuant to EO 13166 and provide updated guidance consistent with applicable law. The Department is currently reviewing guidance documents for compliance with the new Executive Order. The new Executive Order does not “require[] or direct[] any change in the services provided by any agency.”
U.S. Department of Justice Investigation of the New Jersey Department of Corrections
- Memorandum of Agreement to Improve Language Assistance Services for Limited English Proficient Inmates - October 15, 2014
- U.S. Department of Justice Letter to the New Jersey Department of Corrections Regarding Investigation - February 22, 2021
U.S. Department of Justice Proposed Consent Decree with Orleans Parish Prison Requires Language Assistance Services for Spanish-Speaking LEP Inmates. See pages 34-37 - December 11, 2012
Virginia Department of Corrections, Operating Procedure 801.7, Language Services for Limited English Proficiency - October 1, 2021
New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
- Directive 4490 - July 29, 2022
- Language Access Complaint Form - July 2022
- Request for Waiver from Required Programs for LEP Individuals Form (See page 3) - July 2022
Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Administrative Directive # 14-02, Limited English Proficiency (LEP) - April 1, 2014
Vera Institute, Developing a PREA-Compliant Language Access Plan for Incarcerated People Who Are Limited English Proficient - October 2020
District Attorneys
Interpreter and Language Access Complaint Notice, Orleans Parish District Attorney, Louisiana- November 2021
District Attorney’s Language Access Plan, Brown County, Wisconsin - September 2021
Alaska State Department of Law Language Access Plan - August 2013
Considerations for Providing Language Access in a Prosecutorial Agency- September 21, 2011
Suffolk County, New York, Probation Department Language Access Plan(archive link)- June 21, 2019
New York City, Department of Probation, Language Access Plan - August, 2016
Santa Clara, California Probation Department Language Access Plan - January 17, 2013
State and Local Laws
Key Features of U.S. State and Local Language Access Laws and Policies ( Report | Webinar ), Migration Policy Institute - October 2021
New York, Executive, Chapter 18, Article 10, § 202-A, effective July 1, 2022.
City of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Resolution R-2022-006, December 20, 2021.
Nevada, Revised Statute, N.R.S. SB 318, § 7, effective June 7, 2021.
New York City, Local Law 30 - March 20, 2017.
Boston, Massachusetts, Ordinance 2016, Chapter 16 - 2016.
San Francisco, California, Ordinance 27-15, Language Access Requirements for Departments - March 3, 2015.
Hawaii, Language Access Law, Chapter 321C- 2006.
Maryland State Code, Section 10-1103 - July 1, 2002.
Washington D.C., Language Access Act of 2004California, Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act - 1973.
Orders and Procedures
City and County of Denver, Colorado, Executive Order 150 - December 22, 2022.
Anchorage, Alaska, Operating Policy and Procedure 16-6 - September 1, 2018.
Seattle, Washington, Executive Order 2017-10 - October 2, 2017.
Guam, Executive Order 2015-015 - December 31, 2015.
Houston, Texas, Administrative Procedure 2-11 - May 16, 2014.
New York State, Executive Order 26: Statewide Language Access Policy - October 6, 2011; Amended by Executive Order 26.1 - March 23, 2021.
King County, Washington State, Executive Order INF 14-2 (AEO): Written Language Translation Process - October 13, 2010.
Montgomery County, Maryland, Executive Order 046-10: Access to County Services for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency (English | Español (Spanish) | 中文 (Chinese) | 한국어 (Korean) | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)) - March 4, 2010.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Executive Order 9-08 - June 9, 2008.