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Language Access Plans


Executive Order 13166 requires each federal agency to create a federally conducted limited English proficiency (LEP) plan.  As part of the one-year anniversary of the Attorney General’s November 2022 memorandum on strengthening the federal government’s commitment to language access, several Federal agencies are releasing updated federal agency language access plans:

Administrative Conference of the United States (updated Nov. 2023)American Battle Monuments Commission (Jan. 2024)
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (updated Nov. 2023)Department of Agriculture (updated Nov. 2023)
Department of Health and Human Services (updated Nov. 2023)Department of Homeland Security (updated Nov. 2023)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (updated Nov. 2023)Department of Justice (updated Aug. 2023)
Department of Labor (updated Nov. 2023)Department of Transportation (updated Nov. 2023)
Environmental Protection Agency (updated Nov. 2023)Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (updated Nov. 2023)
Farm Credit Administration (updated Nov. 2023)Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service (updated Nov. 2023)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (updated May 2024)Institute of Museum and Library Services (updated Nov. 2023)
National Council on Disability (updated Nov. 2023)National Endowment for the Arts (updated Nov. 2023)
National Endowment for the Humanities (updated Nov. 2023)Social Security Administration (updated Dec. 2023)
U.S Commission on Civil Rights (updated Nov. 2023) 


Additionally, many Federal agencies are in the process of updating their language access plans.  The following Federal agency plans are forthcoming.

AmeriCorps (May/June 2024)Consumer Product Safety Commission (Jan. 2024)Department of Commerce (Jan. 2024)
Department of Defense (Aug. 2024)Department of Education (2024)Department of Energy (March 2024)
Department of State (June 2024)Department of the Interior (Jan. 2024)Department of the Treasury (Feb. 2024)
Department of Veterans Affairs (March 2024)Federal Trade Commission (April 2024)Federal Housing Finance Agency (March 2024)
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (Feb. 2024)General Services Administration (Dec. 2024)Merit Systems Protection Board (Jan. 2024)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (March 2024)National Science Foundation (May 2024)Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Jan. 2024)
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (July 2024)Peace Corps (March 2024)Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (Feb. 2024)
Railroad Retirement Board (June 2024)Securities Exchange Commission (May 2024)Selective Service System (2024)
Small Business Administration (Jan. 2024)U.S. Office of Special Counsel (Jan. 2024) 


If you are considering creating or revising your agency's language access plan, please see the Language Access Assessment and Planning Tool for Federally Conducted and Federally Assisted Programs - May 9, 2011