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2015 U.S. National Limited English Proficient (LEP) Population Maps - Number by County

Map Level
Population Count Type
Text Version

Description of US County LEP Maps

US % LEP Map (Description)

Note: This US map contains the counties in all 50 states and the territory of Puerto Rico, each acting as an independent statistical area.

This map is color shaded to indicate the percent of limited English proficient (LEP) persons in each statistical area in the United States.  We have defined LEP persons as individuals 5 years and over who speak a language other than English at home and who have indicated that they speak English less than very well (LVW). 


The colors correspond to percentage of LEP individuals in the statistical areas as follows:

Light Yellow: (<=1%)

           Pale Orange: (>1% AND <=5%)

             Light Orange: (>5% AND <=10%)

           Orange: (>10% AND <=20%)

           Dark Orange: (>20% AND <=40%)

           Brown: (>40% AND <=70%)

           Dark Brown: (>70%)

           Grey: (No LEP)

The table below contains the information about % ranges for each statistical area:










US Raw Count LEP Map (Description)

Note: This US map contains the counties in all 50 states and the territory of Puerto Rico, each acting as an independent statistical area.

This map is color shaded to indicate the total number of limited English proficient (LEP) persons in each statistical area in the United States.  We have defined LEP persons as individuals 5 years and older who speak a language other than English at home and who have indicated that they speak English less than very well (LVW). 

Raw Counts:

The colors correspond to the total number of LEP individuals in the statistical areas as follows:

White: (<=1K)

Light Yellow: (>1K AND <=5K)

           Pale Orange: (>5K AND <=25K)

           Orange: (>25K AND <=50K)

           Dark Orange: (>50K AND <=100K)

           Brown: (>100K AND <=500K)

           Reddish Brown: (>500K AND <=1M)

             Dark Brown: (>1M AND <=3M)

           Grey: (No LEP)

The table below contains the information about total number ranges for each statistical area: